
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. pcmk__xml_first_child
  2. pcmk__xml_next
  3. pcmk__xe_first_child
  4. pcmk__xe_next
  5. pcmk__xe_set_props

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2017-2021 the Pacemaker project contributors
   3  *
   4  * The version control history for this file may have further details.
   5  *
   6  * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
   7  * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
   8  */
  10 #ifndef PCMK__XML_INTERNAL__H
  11 #  define PCMK__XML_INTERNAL__H
  13 /*
  14  * Internal-only wrappers for and extensions to libxml2 (libxslt)
  15  */
  17 #  include <stdlib.h>
  18 #  include <stdio.h>
  19 #  include <string.h>
  21 #  include <crm/crm.h>  /* transitively imports qblog.h */
  24 /*!
  25  * \brief Base for directing lib{xml2,xslt} log into standard libqb backend
  26  *
  27  * This macro implements the core of what can be needed for directing
  28  * libxml2 or libxslt error messaging into standard, preconfigured
  29  * libqb-backed log stream.
  30  *
  31  * It's a bit unfortunate that libxml2 (and more sparsely, also libxslt)
  32  * emits a single message by chunks (location is emitted separatedly from
  33  * the message itself), so we have to take the effort to combine these
  34  * chunks back to single message.  Whether to do this or not is driven
  35  * with \p dechunk toggle.
  36  *
  37  * The form of a macro was chosen for implicit deriving of __FILE__, etc.
  38  * and also because static dechunking buffer should be differentiated per
  39  * library (here we assume different functions referring to this macro
  40  * will not ever be using both at once), preferably also per-library
  41  * context of use to avoid clashes altogether.
  42  *
  43  * Note that we cannot use qb_logt, because callsite data have to be known
  44  * at the moment of compilation, which it is not always the case -- xml_log
  45  * (and unfortunately there's no clear explanation of the fail to compile).
  46  *
  47  * Also note that there's no explicit guard against said libraries producing
  48  * never-newline-terminated chunks (which would just keep consuming memory),
  49  * as it's quite improbable.  Termination of the program in between the
  50  * same-message chunks will raise a flag with valgrind and the likes, though.
  51  *
  52  * And lastly, regarding how dechunking combines with other non-message
  53  * parameters -- for \p priority, most important running specification
  54  * wins (possibly elevated to LOG_ERR in case of nonconformance with the
  55  * newline-termination "protocol"), \p dechunk is expected to always be
  56  * on once it was at the start, and the rest (\p postemit and \p prefix)
  57  * are picked directly from the last chunk entry finalizing the message
  58  * (also reasonable to always have it the same with all related entries).
  59  *
  60  * \param[in] priority Syslog priority for the message to be logged
  61  * \param[in] dechunk  Whether to dechunk new-line terminated message
  62  * \param[in] postemit Code to be executed once message is sent out
  63  * \param[in] prefix   How to prefix the message or NULL for raw passing
  64  * \param[in] fmt      Format string as with printf-like functions
  65  * \param[in] ap       Variable argument list to supplement \p fmt format string
  66  */
  67 #define PCMK__XML_LOG_BASE(priority, dechunk, postemit, prefix, fmt, ap)        \
  68 do {                                                                            \
  69     if (!(dechunk) && (prefix) == NULL) {  /* quick pass */                     \
  70         qb_log_from_external_source_va(__func__, __FILE__, (fmt),               \
  71                                        (priority), __LINE__, 0, (ap));          \
  72         (void) (postemit);                                                      \
  73     } else {                                                                    \
  74         int CXLB_len = 0;                                                       \
  75         char *CXLB_buf = NULL;                                                  \
  76         static int CXLB_buffer_len = 0;                                         \
  77         static char *CXLB_buffer = NULL;                                        \
  78         static uint8_t CXLB_priority = 0;                                       \
  79                                                                                 \
  80         CXLB_len = vasprintf(&CXLB_buf, (fmt), (ap));                           \
  81                                                                                 \
  82         if (CXLB_len <= 0 || CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] == '\n' || !(dechunk)) {    \
  83             if (CXLB_len < 0) {                                                 \
  84                 CXLB_buf = (char *) "LOG CORRUPTION HAZARD"; /*we don't modify*/\
  85                 CXLB_priority = QB_MIN(CXLB_priority, LOG_ERR);                 \
  86             } else if (CXLB_len > 0 /* && (dechunk) */                          \
  87                        && CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] == '\n') {                     \
  88                 CXLB_buf[CXLB_len - 1] = '\0';                                  \
  89             }                                                                   \
  90             if (CXLB_buffer) {                                                  \
  91                 qb_log_from_external_source(__func__, __FILE__, "%s%s%s",       \
  92                                             CXLB_priority, __LINE__, 0,         \
  93                                             (prefix) != NULL ? (prefix) : "",   \
  94                                             CXLB_buffer, CXLB_buf);             \
  95                 free(CXLB_buffer);                                              \
  96             } else {                                                            \
  97                 qb_log_from_external_source(__func__, __FILE__, "%s%s",         \
  98                                             (priority), __LINE__, 0,            \
  99                                             (prefix) != NULL ? (prefix) : "",   \
 100                                             CXLB_buf);                          \
 101             }                                                                   \
 102             if (CXLB_len < 0) {                                                 \
 103                 CXLB_buf = NULL;  /* restore temporary override */              \
 104             }                                                                   \
 105             CXLB_buffer = NULL;                                                 \
 106             CXLB_buffer_len = 0;                                                \
 107             (void) (postemit);                                                  \
 108                                                                                 \
 109         } else if (CXLB_buffer == NULL) {                                       \
 110             CXLB_buffer_len = CXLB_len;                                         \
 111             CXLB_buffer = CXLB_buf;                                             \
 112             CXLB_buf = NULL;                                                    \
 113             CXLB_priority = (priority);  /* remember as a running severest */   \
 114                                                                                 \
 115         } else {                                                                \
 116             CXLB_buffer = realloc(CXLB_buffer, 1 + CXLB_buffer_len + CXLB_len); \
 117             memcpy(CXLB_buffer + CXLB_buffer_len, CXLB_buf, CXLB_len);          \
 118             CXLB_buffer_len += CXLB_len;                                        \
 119             CXLB_buffer[CXLB_buffer_len] = '\0';                                \
 120             CXLB_priority = QB_MIN(CXLB_priority, (priority));  /* severest? */ \
 121         }                                                                       \
 122         free(CXLB_buf);                                                         \
 123     }                                                                           \
 124 } while (0)
 126 /* XML search strings for guest, remote and pacemaker_remote nodes */
 128 /* search string to find CIB resources entries for cluster nodes */
 131     "/" XML_CIB_TAG_NODE "[not(@type) or @type='member']"
 133 /* search string to find CIB resources entries for guest nodes */
 137     "[@name='" XML_RSC_ATTR_REMOTE_NODE "']"
 139 /* search string to find CIB resources entries for remote nodes */
 142     "[@type='remote'][@provider='pacemaker']"
 144 /* search string to find CIB node status entries for pacemaker_remote nodes */
 147     "[@" XML_NODE_IS_REMOTE "='true']"
 149 enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns {
 150     pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_rng = 1,
 151     pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_legacy_xslt,
 152     pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_rng,
 153     pcmk__xml_artefact_ns_base_xslt,
 154 };
 156 void pcmk__strip_xml_text(xmlNode *xml);
 157 const char *pcmk__xe_add_last_written(xmlNode *xe);
 159 xmlNode *pcmk__xe_match(const xmlNode *parent, const char *node_name,
 160                         const char *attr_n, const char *attr_v);
 162 void pcmk__xe_remove_matching_attrs(xmlNode *element,
 163                                     bool (*match)(xmlAttrPtr, void *),
 164                                     void *user_data);
 166 GString *pcmk__element_xpath(const xmlNode *xml);
 168 /*!
 169  * \internal
 170  * \brief Get the root directory to scan XML artefacts of given kind for
 171  *
 172  * \param[in] ns governs the hierarchy nesting against the inherent root dir
 173  *
 174  * \return root directory to scan XML artefacts of given kind for
 175  */
 176 char *
 177 pcmk__xml_artefact_root(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns);
 179 /*!
 180  * \internal
 181  * \brief Get the fully unwrapped path to particular XML artifact (RNG/XSLT)
 182  *
 183  * \param[in] ns       denotes path forming details (parent dir, suffix)
 184  * \param[in] filespec symbolic file specification to be combined with
 185  *                     #artefact_ns to form the final path
 186  * \return unwrapped path to particular XML artifact (RNG/XSLT)
 187  */
 188 char *pcmk__xml_artefact_path(enum pcmk__xml_artefact_ns ns,
 189                               const char *filespec);
 191 /*!
 192  * \internal
 193  * \brief Return first non-text child node of an XML node
 194  *
 195  * \param[in] parent  XML node to check
 196  *
 197  * \return First non-text child node of \p parent (or NULL if none)
 198  */
 199 static inline xmlNode *
 200 pcmk__xml_first_child(const xmlNode *parent)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 201 {
 202     xmlNode *child = (parent? parent->children : NULL);
 204     while (child && (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) {
 205         child = child->next;
 206     }
 207     return child;
 208 }
 210 /*!
 211  * \internal
 212  * \brief Return next non-text sibling node of an XML node
 213  *
 214  * \param[in] child  XML node to check
 215  *
 216  * \return Next non-text sibling of \p child (or NULL if none)
 217  */
 218 static inline xmlNode *
 219 pcmk__xml_next(const xmlNode *child)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 220 {
 221     xmlNode *next = (child? child->next : NULL);
 223     while (next && (next->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)) {
 224         next = next->next;
 225     }
 226     return next;
 227 }
 229 /*!
 230  * \internal
 231  * \brief Return first non-text child element of an XML node
 232  *
 233  * \param[in] parent  XML node to check
 234  *
 235  * \return First child element of \p parent (or NULL if none)
 236  */
 237 static inline xmlNode *
 238 pcmk__xe_first_child(const xmlNode *parent)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 239 {
 240     xmlNode *child = (parent? parent->children : NULL);
 242     while (child && (child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
 243         child = child->next;
 244     }
 245     return child;
 246 }
 248 /*!
 249  * \internal
 250  * \brief Return next non-text sibling element of an XML element
 251  *
 252  * \param[in] child  XML element to check
 253  *
 254  * \return Next sibling element of \p child (or NULL if none)
 255  */
 256 static inline xmlNode *
 257 pcmk__xe_next(const xmlNode *child)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 258 {
 259     xmlNode *next = child? child->next : NULL;
 261     while (next && (next->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
 262         next = next->next;
 263     }
 264     return next;
 265 }
 267 /*!
 268  * \internal
 269  * \brief Like pcmk__xe_set_props, but takes a va_list instead of
 270  *        arguments directly.
 271  *
 272  * \param[in,out] node   XML to add attributes to
 273  * \param[in]     pairs  NULL-terminated list of name/value pairs to add
 274  */
 275 void
 276 pcmk__xe_set_propv(xmlNodePtr node, va_list pairs);
 278 /*!
 279  * \internal
 280  * \brief Add a NULL-terminated list of name/value pairs to the given
 281  *        XML node as properties.
 282  *
 283  * \param[in,out] node XML node to add properties to
 284  * \param[in]     ...  NULL-terminated list of name/value pairs
 285  *
 286  * \note A NULL name terminates the arguments; a NULL value will be skipped.
 287  */
 288 void
 289 pcmk__xe_set_props(xmlNodePtr node, ...)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 292 /*!
 293  * \internal
 294  * \brief Get first attribute of an XML element
 295  *
 296  * \param[in] xe  XML element to check
 297  *
 298  * \return First attribute of \p xe (or NULL if \p xe is NULL or has none)
 299  */
 300 static inline xmlAttr *
 301 pcmk__xe_first_attr(const xmlNode *xe)
 302 {
 303     return (xe == NULL)? NULL : xe->properties;
 304 }
 306 /*!
 307  * \internal
 308  * \brief Extract the ID attribute from an XML element
 309  *
 310  * \param[in] xpath String to search
 311  * \param[in] node  Node to get the ID for
 312  *
 313  * \return ID attribute of \p node in xpath string \p xpath
 314  */
 315 char *
 316 pcmk__xpath_node_id(const char *xpath, const char *node);
 318 /* internal XML-related utilities */
 320 enum xml_private_flags {
 321      pcmk__xf_none        = 0x0000,
 322      pcmk__xf_dirty       = 0x0001,
 323      pcmk__xf_deleted     = 0x0002,
 324      pcmk__xf_created     = 0x0004,
 325      pcmk__xf_modified    = 0x0008,
 327      pcmk__xf_tracking    = 0x0010,
 328      pcmk__xf_processed   = 0x0020,
 329      pcmk__xf_skip        = 0x0040,
 330      pcmk__xf_moved       = 0x0080,
 332      pcmk__xf_acl_enabled = 0x0100,
 333      pcmk__xf_acl_read    = 0x0200,
 334      pcmk__xf_acl_write   = 0x0400,
 335      pcmk__xf_acl_deny    = 0x0800,
 337      pcmk__xf_acl_create  = 0x1000,
 338      pcmk__xf_acl_denied  = 0x2000,
 339      pcmk__xf_lazy        = 0x4000,
 340 };
 342 void pcmk__set_xml_doc_flag(xmlNode *xml, enum xml_private_flags flag);
 344 /*!
 345  * \internal
 346  * \brief Iterate over child elements of \p xml
 347  *
 348  * This function iterates over the children of \p xml, performing the
 349  * callback function \p handler on each node.  If the callback returns
 350  * a value other than pcmk_rc_ok, the iteration stops and the value is
 351  * returned.  It is therefore possible that not all children will be
 352  * visited.
 353  *
 354  * \param[in,out] xml                 The starting XML node.  Can be NULL.
 355  * \param[in]     child_element_name  The name that the node must match in order
 356  *                                    for \p handler to be run.  If NULL, all
 357  *                                    child elements will match.
 358  * \param[in]     handler             The callback function.
 359  * \param[in,out] userdata            User data to pass to the callback function.
 360  *                                    Can be NULL.
 361  *
 362  * \return Standard Pacemaker return code
 363  */
 364 int
 365 pcmk__xe_foreach_child(xmlNode *xml, const char *child_element_name,
 366                        int (*handler)(xmlNode *xml, void *userdata),
 367                        void *userdata);
 369 #endif // PCMK__XML_INTERNAL__H

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